The Perfect Day Pack: Maxpedition Pygmy Falcon II Review
Anyone who has spent any amount of time in the outdoors quickly realizes that the proper gear can have a major impact on not only the success of the experience, but the overall enjoyment. That being said, today's material culture attempts to drive outdoorsmen in a never ending quest to obtain the latest model of the latest widget. I've fallen into the marketing trap myself on a number of occasions. Here at Camp Chatter, we have no intentions of pedaling useless products to weigh you down and waste your hard earned money. We do however like to share with you high quality products that have worked for us personally in the field. The Maxpedition Pygmy Falcon II has been put through the paces over the past six years. This is my personal review and why I find it to be the perfect day pack. Attempting to perfect my kit has led me full circle from carrying a day pack, to carrying a large multiday pack, to a minimalist fanny pack, and finally back to the perfect Maxpedition. The ex...