Favorite Camp Guns
When considering camp guns, the choices are numerous and often debated. Of course, there is no end all answer, but it is a fun conversation point for those of us who love both camp and guns. One's decision is based on a litany of factors that might include where you live, size and weigh t limitations, and your application for the piece-- to name just a few. Here at Foothills, we'd like to share a couple of our favorite campfire companions and why they've made the fa vorites list. You can't have a conversation about camp guns without mentioning a quality .22. The .22 has a lot to offer in this realm. The ability to carry large quantities of ammunition for general plinking and recreations is a major bonus. The .22 allows for nearly endless shooting without breaking the bank or making too much racket. Useful for target practice, dirt clod destruction, and the elimination of snakes, the .22 lands near the top of our favorite picks. When it came time for me to make my ch...